How to Setup Contrail Simple Gateway


You have OpenStack with Contrail as neutron module but you don’t have any gateway router to connect the VM inside OpenStack to the outside network

Procedure to Setup a contrail simple gateway

The following example shows how to add simple gateway on the fly

  • select one of the compute node/control node that has vrouter-agent running as the gateway point, for example: compute01
  • if you haven’t create the virtual network, create it first thru contrail API/GUI
  • find out the vrf name of the virtual network that you want to access from outside
    • the standard vrf naming conventions is:

      <domain-name>:<project-name>:<virtual network name>:<virtual network name>
    • example:

  • create the simple gateway instance

      # /opt/contrail/utils/ --oper create --interface vgw1 --subnets --routes --vrf default-domain:admin:public:public 
  • Note that the example above assumes:
    • network name is public and it is created inside admin project
    • the subnet for public is
    • VM connected to public will have default gateway ( thru this simple gateway
  • at this point, the VM should be reachable from this compute node
  • To allow traffic from the other machine beside this compute node, simply add a static route towards via this compute node IP


  • the example above will create simple gateway on the fly. It will not persist compute node reboot.
  • AFAIK, single simple gateway can only be associated with single VRF (single virtual network)
  • It is OK to create simple gateway on multiple compute node for the same virtual network

